How Can Sealcoat Help You?

As with other petroleum based products, asphalt can be damaged and react with the surface. When rain, UV rays, chemicals and others are introduced into asphalt, it can degrade both the asphalt and also the binder that keeps it together. Eventually, pavements can become brittle and lead to expensive repairs or even replacement.

It is essential to protect your investment and extend the life of pavements by reducing the effects of harmful elements through the use of sealcoating. Sealcoating works by providing a layer of protection from those destructive elements and minimize their damage.  Sealcoat contains bitumen or acrylics that is mixed with polymer additives, water, silica sand and other proprietary fillers and solids which can be applied making use of a pressurized spray equipment, self-propelled squeegee machine, or brush that requires 24-48 hours of curing before vehicles are allowed to pass back to the surface. Depending on specifications, sealcoating can provide a slip resistant surface that gives a deep black finish – further enhancing a certain parking lot or driveway.

Implementing a maintenance program with the aid of sealcoat can increase and even enhance the life of your asphalt. Spend a few dollars for maintenance rather that thousands for a new pavement. For maximum protection and optimum performance, it would be best to apply a minimum of 2 coatings within a temperature of more than 50 degrees for a period of not less than 24 hours. If it is forecasted to rain or temperature is going to drop below 50 degrees, better postpone application.

To maximize benefits, it is advised to sealcoat every 2-3 years to increase the life of your asphalt for a small price. Doing so with proper technique at the right time will prevent oxidation and also avoid weather damage that will revamp your pavement and keep it looking brand new.