Seal Coating

Eagle Rock Seal Coating

IMG_3362Protecting your driveway from damage should be at the top of any commercial or residential pavement owner especially in Tucson where the weather can vary between rain and extreme heat. One of the best ways to keep your pavement in top condition is to use seal coating to protect your pavement.

Preventing Damage With Sealcoating in Tucson

Sealcoating is a valuable tool for any commercial or residential pavement owner. It ensures the longevity of your pavement thanks to it deflecting the majority of things that can damage your pavement. These include the biggest problems which are water damage and UV damage. 

Water Damage Prevention

Water damage can cause a number of problems for your driveway. One of the biggest is that it can create both cracks and potholes. It can seep into your pavement’s foundation and damage it from the inside out, or it can pool on your pavement and slowly create potholes that you will need to deal with later.

IMG_3358UV Damage Prevention

The biggest problem that asphalt driveways will have to deal with in Tucson is the intense heat of the sun. UV damage can bleach your asphalt pavement and cause it to break down quicker over time. It can also cause your pavement to become more malleable and vulnerable to deforming. This leads to the creation of potholes in areas where there is a heavy amount of weight on top of the asphalt.

IMG_3359Eagle Rock Sealcoating Guarantee

Keeping it looking good with sealcoating helps prolong its longevity and can significantly extend its life and reduce the repair costs associated with the maintenance of your asphalt or concrete streets, parking lots, highways or dirt roads. We ensure that all sealcoating projects are done with the utmost emphasis on quality and speed. We know the best and most efficient way to take care of your pavement!

Eagle Rock 520-514-2779