Should You Apply Seal Coating on Your Asphalt Pavement?

Got yourself a new asphalt pavement and want to know how to prolong its lifespan? Then you’re at the right place! 

Although asphalt is a durable material, it’s still susceptible to wear and tear. But how can you prolong your pavements’ lifespan? Let’s find out below!

Should You Use Asphalt Seal Coating?

Asphalt may be durable, but it’s extremely porous, which can be easily damaged if chemicals and even water seep into it. This is why it’s very important to apply a seal coating to your asphalt pavement to ensure that none of these harmful substances seep into it. But what else can sealcoating do for your asphalt?

Benefits of Applying a Seal Coating

Protects the Asphalt from Water and Moisture Damage

​​You might not be aware of this, but asphalt can be damaged by moisture and water, particularly in locations where the water can freeze. The microscopic cracks that allow water to flow in widen and contract, resulting in large potholes on the pavement. Similarly, moisture can penetrate the asphalt, which expands when it freezes. This can cause cracking, which comprises the surface quality of the pavement.

Asphalt can deteriorate from water during the wet seasons of the year even without freezing. Therefore, a seal coat covers the tiny cracks and prevents water penetration, saving you a lot of money on pavement repair.

Keeps Your Asphalt Black 

Over the years, your asphalt can fade and look worn out. Although it isn’t exactly damaged, the look of worn out pavement doesn’t really look good. So, applying a seal coating on your asphalt pavement can help maintain the pavement’s aesthetic for a longer time, keeping it look black and polished.

Protects Your Asphalt Against the Sun’s UV Rays

Asphalt pavement that is frequently exposed to the sun and is not seal-coated will have numerous cracks. The binders and aggregate in asphalt can degrade in the presence of the sun’s UV rays, just like many other materials. So, when asphalt is exposed to the sun, this is what happens.

Asphalt lasts longer in the environment because its seal coat serves to provide long-term protection from the harmful impacts of the sun.

Save money for future repairs.

Your asphalt pavement is vulnerable to elements that can lead to holes and cracks if it doesn’t have a seal coating. And if you don’t take care of those holes and cracks right away, you’ll have to pay expensive repair fees or replace your asphalt pavement entirely. Your parking lot will stay in better condition, and you’ll avoid expensive future repairs thanks to seal coating.

With seal coating, cleaning the pavement is simpler, and rain will be able to quickly remove debris. 

Lengthens the Pavements’ Lifespan

All of the different environmental and human elements can slowly deteriorate your asphalt pavement. However, with seal coating, all of these harmful elements and even chemicals are blocked, which minimizes wear and tear, and makes your pavement last a lot longer. Moreover, a seal coating can fill in small damages like cracks, which will reduce the risk of any harmful liquids seeping through the gaps.

Final Thoughts

Asphalt pavements can last a long time as long as you’re protecting it with a great sealcoat. So keep your asphalt pavement in good condition by applying a seal coating to protect it from the different elements.