Should You Repair, Resurface, or Replace Your Asphalt Driveway?

Many businesses and homeowners are concerned about the state that their driveway is in. Especially if the owner of the driveway is starting to see problems like potholes and oil stains littering their precious driveway. But how do you figure out whether you should repair, resurface or replace your asphalt driveway?

Repair, Resurface, or Replace?

These are your three options when it comes to dealing with asphalt driveway problems. You can either repair your driveway and patch up holes, resurface it and simply create a new layer on top, or completely replace it to start fresh. Each one has its own uses and their own pros and cons that we’ll be discussing today!

Repair Your Asphalt Driveway

Repairs should always be the first thing on your mind when it comes to fixing problems. This is by far the cheapest option that you have. Not only is it cheaper, it’s also an option where you can use your own DIY options without compromising the quality of your driveway. It is still , however, recommended that you get the help of an expert when doing more extensive repairs.

Some problems that you should have no problem handling with a repair can include small cracks and potholes.The best time to repair your asphalt driveway is when it’s still a few years into its lifespan. This is around the five to ten year mark depending on how well you’ve maintained it over the years. 

Replace Your Asphalt Driveway

With your asphalt driveway going through a large amount of punishment every day, you should always be ready to repair it. However, if the damage has gone too far then your other option is to completely replace it. Potholes the size of your car’s tires, cracks reaching several meters and crumbling asphalt are your signs that you need a full replacement. 

This is a fairly expensive option that dwarfs the cost of a repair. Doing a replacement yourself, however, is out of the question as it requires several expensive machines to properly process raw asphalt into a good driveway. Despite the cost of labor and materials, you’re guaranteed to have a brand new driveway that will last you nearly two decades with the right maintenance and care.

Resurface Your Asphalt Driveway

Resurfacing is your go-to option when your driveway is too damaged for a repair but still good enough to stave off a full replacement. The damage should only be on the surface and has not reached the foundation of your driveway. 

The main focus is to completely resurface areas where damage has occurred. Or you can also opt for a complete resurface. A complete resurface will have your paving contractor tear off the top part of your driveway without touching the foundation. They’ll then follow it up by replacing the removed top part of the driveway. This is a great middle option that isn’t as expensive as a complete replacement.

Final Thoughts

You have a number of great options to choose from when it comes to keeping your driveway maintained. However, it can be difficult to figure out what the right option for your driveway.You can figure this out if you contact an expert to survey your driveway. They’ll tell you exactly what you need. Contact us today!