How Seal Coating Saves Money in the Long Run

Seal coating is a preventative maintenance process essential for asphalt pavements’ longevity and durability. 

Whether you’re a homeowner looking to extend the life of your driveway or a business owner responsible for a large parking lot, understanding how seal coating can save money over time is critical to making informed maintenance decisions.

What is the Purpose of Seal Coating?mopping seal

Seal coating is the application of a protective layer to asphalt-based pavements. This layer serves multiple purposes:

  • Protection: It safeguards the asphalt from the deteriorating effects of exposure to elements such as water, oils, and UV radiation.
  • Longevity: It significantly extends its lifespan by preventing the oxidation and erosion of the asphalt surface.
  • Aesthetics: It rejuvenates the surface, giving it a fresh, new appearance that can enhance the property’s overall look.
  • Safety: The coating can also improve traction and reduce the risk of slips and falls due to its textured surface.

According to the Pavement Coatings Technology Council, seal coats are specifically designed to protect and prolong the life of pavement structures.

How Long Should Seal Coating Last?

A question often posed by property owners is the durability of a seal coat. Generally, a properly applied seal coating can last two to five years. 

The lifespan is contingent on several factors, including the materials’ quality, the application process, traffic loads, and the climate. 

The National Center for Pavement Preservation (NCPFP) suggests regular assessments of parking lot surfaces every two years.

Regular maintenance, including touch-ups of worn areas, is also essential for the longevity of the seal coating. 

An optimal maintenance schedule can ensure that your asphalt stays protected without requiring complete reapplications too frequently.

Is Seal Coating Necessary?

The answer is a resounding “Yes” for those looking to protect their investment. 

As the American Public Works Association reported, an asphalt pavement might only last half of its potential lifespan without regular maintenance, including seal coating.

Seal coating offers a barricade against abrasives and destructive substances. 

Failure to regularly seal coat can lead to cracks and potholes, which can pave the way for more severe and costly types of damage, such as:

  • Water Penetration: Water can seep into the sub-base through cracks, causing the structure to become unstable.
  • Oxidation: Without seal coating, the sun can dry out and harden the asphalt binder, which leads to cracking and accelerated degradation.

However, the question isn’t whether seal coating is necessary but how often it should be executed to protect the pavement effectively.

Cost-Effectiveness of Seal Coating

putting seal coating

Considering the cost implications, the initial outlay for seal coating is relatively low compared to the potential expense of major repairs or replacement. 

The Asphalt Institute underscores the importance of maintenance, including seal coating, to prevent the high cost and significant disruption of resurfacing or rebuilding a pavement structure.

When you compare the average cost per square foot for seal coating against that of resurfacing or replacing asphalt, seal coating is the clear winner in affordability. 

It requires less material and labor and allows for uninterrupted use of the pavement while the work is carried out.


The Environmental Advantages

Another angle to consider is the environmental benefit. 

Seal coating reduces the frequency of resurfacing or replacing by extending the life of the existing asphalt, thereby minimizing the environmental impact. 

The sustainable nature of seal coating is due to its ability to reuse existing materials, limiting the demand for new asphalt production, which is an energy-intensive process.

The Environmental Protection Agency advocates for regular maintenance of pavements to minimize environmental degradation.


The Key to Lasting Results

The effectiveness and longevity of a seal coat are highly dependent on proper planning and application. Temperature and weather conditions can greatly affect the outcome. 

Applying the seal coat during warm, dry weather allows proper curing for best results. 

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials provides optimal conditions and guidelines for application practices.

Professional application ensures a uniformly covered surface and helps avoid common mistakes that could compromise the integrity of the seal. 

Hiring reputable contractors who adhere to industry standards can significantly improve the protection and durability your seal coat provides.


Regular Maintenance Is the Ultimate Money-Saver

save money

The crux of saving money with seal coating lies in understanding the concept of regular maintenance. 

Regularly scheduled seal coating can exponentially increase the life expectancy of asphalt, thus offering a high return on investment.

Staying proactive with maintenance prevents minor wear and tear from escalating into major damages, hence avoiding expensive repairs. 

The industry consensus is that regular, preventative maintenance can reduce long-term repair costs by up to five times.

Moreover, avoiding large-scale disruptions to the use of pavements due to extensive repairs translates to savings in indirect costs—something that is often overlooked when considering the benefits of regular seal coating.


Final Thoughts


While unnoticed by most, seal coating is an essential process that extends the life of asphalt pavements and saves money in the long run. 

It is a necessary maintenance step and a financially prudent strategy that reduces the need for expensive repairs. 

Understanding its importance and incorporating it into your regular maintenance plan can help ensure the longevity of your pavement and make the most of your investment. 

Additionally, the environmental benefits and the low initial costs further strengthen the argument in favor of a regular seal coating routine. 

Remember, when it comes to pavement maintenance, being proactive pays off—and seal coating is the cornerstone of a proactive maintenance approach.

Understanding how seal coating can drastically extend the life of your pavement and save you money in the long term is just the first step. The next is choosing the right partner to ensure these benefits become a reality for your property. 

With nearly 70 years of combined industry expertise, Eagle Rock Excavating ensures quality, speed, and safety in every project, including seal coating that truly lasts. 

Don’t let minor pavement issues spiral into costly repairs. Reach out to us to schedule your comprehensive seal coating service. Protect your pavement, protect your investment.