Asphalt Heat Damage Tips You Should Know About

Asphalt heat damage is a problem that home and business owners are going to encounter. Especially in areas with high heat like Arizona or Texas. However, not every home or business owner will know what to do when there is a heat wave ongoing. So we’re here to help you out. 

Great Asphalt Heat Damage Tips

Heat in Arizona has soared over 120 degrees over the last few weeks and many asphalt pavements will be affected by the intense heat wave. You need to make sure you’re ready to deal with it. We’ve put together a list of tips you can take advantage of before and after the heat wave so you have all your bases covered.

Use Concrete Instead

A great solution to the heat problem that your asphalt driveway will have to deal with is to use a different material that’s more resistant to it’s effect. Concrete is a great material for dealing with incredibly high temperatures as it doesn’t melt like asphalt does. It will take temperatures in the thousands of degrees to come close to melting. Do note however, that concrete does have a limit to how much heat it can take before degrading, but that limit is much higher than asphalt.

Repair Any Cracks Immediately

Asphalt heat damage that you’re going to run into often is the appearance of cracks. This is the result of the asphalt breaking down under the extreme heat. These cracks will grow over time so it is essential that you repair them as soon as possible. You can either use a short term solution or hire a paving contractor to deal with the issue.

Avoid Heavy Weight on Hot Asphalt

Many home and business owners tend to forget when dealing with extreme temperatures is that asphalt melts. When asphalt melts, it is much more malleable or it’s easier to deform. Anything heavy like vehicles will cause the asphalt to deform and expose the foundation. This makes it easier for your asphalt to develop cracks and potholes where water can pool. The worst part is that melted asphalt can stick to tires and footwear.

Use A Sealcoating

The best way to prevent asphalt head damage is to make sure that you’re using a sealcoating. Sealcoating your driveway protects it from the forces of nature, rain or shine. It is especially useful against heat because of how it can reflect the harmful UV rays that can cause your asphalt from deteriorating or even melting

Final Thoughts

Asphalt heat damage shouldn’t be a major problem for you as long as you know what to do about it. With our tips and tricks, you should be able to take on the heat of the sun with no problems!